Westminster House Painters
When you want to connect with the most trustworthy group of Westminster painters, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Elite Painting Colorado. The process of making your home more aesthetically appealing is a task that requires the attention of trained and experienced painters that are devoted to your needs. By hiring our skilled painters, you’re guaranteed that you will get cost savings and quality results.
If you’re searching for a painting company you can rest assured knowing that you will obtain a superb service from us at Elite Painting Colorado.

Flexible scheduling options

Free color consultation

Eco-friendly & clean work area.
4-6 Year Warranty
Why Choose US
Free Painting Estimates
Family Owned & Operated
Licensed & Insured
Excellent Communication
18 Years Of Experience
Great Reviews
4-6 Year Warranty
Quality Paints
No Deposits
Master Painters

Exterior & Interior Painting Projects

Elite Painting Colorado is a family-owned and operated painting company, thus we take special pride in our work. As a result, our clients have acknowledged the hard work and dedication our painters put into each and every project. We know that a fresh coat of paint is the most inexpensive way to enhance your home in Westminster CO, inside and out. A fresh coat of paint is a great way to add protection to your home as well.
Westminster, Colorado is a vibrant city that offers residents and visitors a diverse array of attractions and amenities. Situated in the Denver metropolitan area, Westminster is known for its scenic beauty, family-friendly community, and welcoming atmosphere.
As a painting services provider in Westminster, we understand the importance of maintaining the appearance and quality of your home or business. Whether you're looking to refresh the exterior of your property or add some personality to your interior space, our team of experienced painters is here to help.